Review: NeoSprint (Switch) – Atari’s Pricey But Revved-Up Retro Romp

Burnin’ rubber.

If you had visited an arcade in the late ’70s and ’80s, there’s a good chance you’d come across a bustling Sprint cabinet complete with crowd-pulling steering wheels and pedals. Atari’s once ubiquitous overhead racing classic is now making a comeback on modern consoles with NeoSprint, and we’re happy to report that it largely holds up as a well-executed throwback.

It’s the latest in Atari’s effort to partner with indie developers to bring its classic IPs into the 21st century. Headless Chicken, the Costa Rican studio behind this loving retro revival, manages to retain the rubber-burning essence of the original games while incorporating contemporary gameplay modes, vehicle customization, and a surprisingly robust track builder.

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